Wireless Addressable Smoke Detector

The primary purpose of the AW103SD wireless addressable Smoke Detector is to detect the presence of smoke within its surveillance area. Once the smoke reaches the alarm threshold level, it promptly triggers an alarm signal to the fire panel. This wireless device communicates with the control panel at a frequency of 433.92 MHz. The unit is powered by a built-in AA battery. When the battery power is low, it communicates with the control panel to alert for replacement. This unit is primarily used in situations where wiring is not feasible.

Highlighted features of this multisensor include:

  • Ultra-sensitivity: It possesses an exceptional level of smoke sensitivity, enabling it to trigger early warning alarms.
  • Discrimination of dust contamination: The detector can distinguish between dust contamination on the sensor chamber and the presence of actual smoke. This feature helps eliminate false alarms caused by contamination.
  • Ultra smoke sensitivity
  • Automatic drift compensation
  • Corrosion protection
  • bi-colour LED to indicate healthy and alarm condition.
  • Dual LED for 360 deg viewing.
  • Low battery warning

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