Military Standard Addressable Intelligent Single Input Module
This Monitor module is designed to meet the supervisory requirements of fire protection systems by examining the ON/OFF status of the connected sprinkler, water flow switch/pressure switch, etc. This is done by monitoring the contact status of the water flow/ pressure switch. This device can pinpoint its location by keeping its ID as a reference.
Ministry of defense products
- Powered by signaling line circuit
- Blinking LED for visual Supervision
- The address can be viewed and changed from the panel
- Detailed location description
- Soft addressing
- Electrical Supervision
- Transient Protection up to 2.4KV
Electrical Specifications
Operating voltage : 17-24V DC
Quiescent current : 600 μA(max)
Alarm current : 1 mA(max)
End of LineResistance : 10K Ohms
Maximum IDCResistance : 100 Ohms
Maximum IDC Current : 600 μA
Altitude : 3000m(above MSL)
Normal : Green LED(Blinks during scan)
Alarm : Red LED(Glows steady)
General Specifications
Operating temperature : -10ºC to 55ºC
Storagetemperature : 5ºC to 40ºC
Humidity : 0-95% RH(Non-condensing)
Color : Red
Compatibility : AUAA2X Protocol
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions(HxWxD) : 106x108x38mm