Addressable Automatic fire detection and Voice Evacuation system as per NBC'16
NBC 2016- code recognizes that safety of life is more than a matter of means of egress. Danger from panic is greater, when large numbers of people are trapped in a confined area, particularly when people are not adequately guided towards egress and safety notifications are not implemented or practiced. Consideration towards announcement and announcement needs to be given to guide the occupants to safe egress routes and to control during situation of distress.
Automatic fire detection and alarm system (AFDAS) shall always include manually operated electronic fire alarm system (MOEFA). MOEFA includes Manual call points, Audio visual strobes, Talkback and Public Address System, Voice evacuation system employing English or vernacular language using prerecorded messages

Automatic Fire Detection And Voice Evacuation System is the minimal fire safety requirement for the following type of buildings as per NBC 2016